Short Film
This short film, directed by Grant Slater, was exceptionally special to color. Narrative film is my favorite; at the same time, the particularly magical quality of this film was what drew me to it. The trance-like dance sequences filmed during an actual eclipse, the unique scenery of the hot springs and the desert, and the element of the belief in magic weaved into the story, all made it an unforgettable project.
Synopsis: over summer break, a young dancer, Castara, reluctantly returns home to work on the family weed farm and save money for dance school. But home has shifted into a different orbit. Despite a strong pull toward her childhood friend, Cody, she seeks an auspicious moment to break free and elevate to a higher plane.
Filmed on and around the slopes of Mt. Hood, Auspicious culminates with a final sequence filmed in real time in the path of totality of a solar eclipse.